Can Everyone Be Happy ?

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can everyone be happy, happy, happiness, pursuit of happiness

Can everyone Be Happy

At times of trivial dilemma we often tend to ask ourselves, can everyone be ‘happy’?

When we were born to this world it was a miraculous onset of mortality, with cry out to the world that I have arrived,’alone’.

The beginning however if at all was in a jungle by the Andamans or Amazons, we probably would have sprang out as Mowglis on the face of earth. Survival in such a scenario would have needed fighting for bananas or coconuts and sometimes for one’s own life.


ape man

We are lucky enough to have been brought up by our parents in much better scenarios than the latter.

The fact stands that we got the best of opportunities which many didn’t.

Still if we look at the time today, it is corollary to the fact that everybody is following a busy path. The path which is of a pursuit towards their own happiness. The real question still remains that, what would it take for one to be happy?

Can one be completely happy?

And for that matter can there be a situation where everyone is happy?

The butterfly isn’t happy if it can’t find the flower to suck the nectar.

The chameleon isn’t happy if it didn’t feed on the butterfly.

The snake isn’t full till it devours on that colourful chameleon .

The eagle isn’t sufficed till it hunts that snake to carry on that food chain.

And the story goes on.. It’s like a vicious cycle where one is after the life of another for survival..

Predator, food chain, survival

Food Chain

Well.. if you thought that it was the animal story, let’s check this !

A poor isn’t happy that he can’t buy his kid a Mac-D burger to enjoy everyday.

The young college kid is discontent till he owns that Ducati 821 which one of his friend rides.

The average worker complains that he has to travel in train daily for 4 hours to earn his livelihood.

The richest of the city is not happy about the fact that he’s not the richest of the world.

rich sad

Happily Sad

There is some or the other caveat that is so easy to find.

The ease though lies in the way we have been taught to perceive this world.

Above that, the ways we are being coached to measure ourselves in this society is phenomenal.

It’s not wrong to be aspirational about something. However, it’s not justified to be unhappy for the matter that you don’t have it yet.

Life is about living and living in true sense is to live it happily. Living with our aspirations at heart and pursuing it with true passion is commendable. What truly counts is the spirit which is always to be held high and a heart which is filled with compassion.

One who has that compassion for others and that spirit at heart is a leader who leads with example. The people of the kinds are rare though.

Coming to the fact what it takes to be happy, is the price that one needs to pay for it with good will and satisfaction. Ex- If we want to buy a pair of comfortable shoes, we pay the money and get the one that suits the comfort we aspire.

Life, balance, expertise


However there has to be a balance which needs to be maintained to be happy.

Gaurav Mashruwala, a certified financial planner, philosopher and author of the book Yogic wealth talks about the importance of maintaining a balance in life to be happy and free.

The essence of which is a  simple 8-8-8 principle of a 24 hours day. The principle talks about a balanced investment of time towards self, work and family respectively. If you compromise on the hours for self towards work, you will have to compensate for that sometime in the future with your conscious or un-conscious knowledge. Similarly, if you give more time to work or self over your family then you will have to give that time later towards your family to compensate and bring back that balance.

Happiness comes with self balance and self satisfaction. To be satisfied needs one to realize and apprehend what one has, and respect others with compassion.

However, no matter how just your stance is there will always be someone who will pose a block to your flow of being a happy human. It’s important to put forth your point in a positive way, should there be a case which lands you at a point where you have to choose options. The options however are to be chosen weighing them on the grounds of self happiness at the cost of self investment with a conscious decision.

There are scenarios which might get carried further by external agents beyond the scope of one’s self to cope up. But, we can be thankful enough to some intellectual people who have set up the civil bodies and legal institutions that look forward to assist individuals in need. Still if you move on with the flow with gradual progression , its less likely to be outcasted by circumstances. The moving on ahead has to go on..

addiction, anti social, social media addiction

Social media addiction

           With the current globalisation and the digitising trend, people measure one’s reach by the number of connections they have on their social profile.

The happiness quotient rises with the count of likes the a pic or post of theirs get on a social forum. Though the purpose of digitisation might not be just as it’s perceived most of the times to be. We tend to overestimate happiness of others on the social media by an overseas trip pics that they share. At the same time we tend to underestimate the negative experiences that we confront live in front of us. We tend to vent out our emotions over the social media with a hope to gain sympathy. This in-turn poses us to be too vulnerable at times.

Where social media helps best to propagate a message, news or drive an agenda, human emotions are best understood and translated by humans, in person. The best example a case which was shared by one of the knowns. It said how a person’s holiday pic gets liked by 200 friends out of the 2000 friends in the social media account. The best revelation of his connections was however testified when less than 10% of his social media friend list actually turned up at his father’s funeral. This was even after a formal announcement of the same on a social media platform.

We should understand the intent and then relay on the alternatives we want to choose to deliver on our objectives, than rather giving up over an agenda being unhappy.

There are other times where people confuse getting bored, with unhappiness and get depressed. While one tends to feel so, you should take a pause and act upon certain things to address yourselves by choosing to:

  • Keep fit and work out
  • Have aspirations
  • Keep up the spirit
  • Read
  • Love
  • Pursue your hobby
  • Plan a get-together
  • Donate
  • Practice a sport
  • Be tolerant ..  and many more..   

There are so many options and things in life to do that there is so little time to feel alone or get bore or for depression..

For the question if everyone can be happy at the same time?

Yes, definitely..

But the fact still remains that happiness is a state of self which start from self.

Realize the gifts you have.

For being happy, practice being happy and to start with apprehend by thanking your stance in this world..

Cheers and Live Happy !!


Live Happy

Abhishek Kumar Brahma

Exploring Creativity Through Life !! An Art Lover..

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