Life Cycle and Gear Shifts

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Life Cycle and Gear Shifts

Life Cycle and Gear Shifts:

Life Cycle is a very lengthy and complicated process!!

With the onset of dawn, may it be a he or she, everyone wakes up to a World of his /her responsibilities.

Responsibilities that the social world has bestowed upon it’s beings. Starting the day with,

  • Shitting out the shit we need to,

  • We brush our teeth ,

  • Wash our face and then

  • Get in to one’s proper dressings to confront this World.


As one of my best memorable line from the movie, Rocky-V goes:

“The world ain’t all Sun Shine and Rainbows,

It’s a VERY mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how TOUGH you are;

It will beat you to your knees and will keep you there permanently, “IF YOU LET IT”,

You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as LIFE,

But it ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about “how much you can get hit and keep moving FORWARD”, it’s about how much you can TAKE and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.


We all are too busy in our lives or “life cycle”, so busy that it’s hardly enough to stop by and check if we are going on the right track. But when-ever we face any trouble in life, we don’t leave a chance to immediately point fingers onto another to blame someone else for our wrong actions. It is just because we don’t have the courage to face the difficulties on our own or we feel scared to even confront them.

Everyone of us is unique and powerful in a way and we have all that is required to put things right and solve our problems on our own, however we hardly realize it !!

You know why?

Beads of Alphabets

Because its like these beads laid off, which has all of the alphabets of our name but one hardly takes the effort to figure out and find time in his/her life to find out the right beads to highlight and bring out his name and for that matter simplify his/her LIFE.

Life is full of struggle, and the true meaning of life is to live it through that struggle however in a much amicable way to creates smiles the whole way we walk. To life the life in the best optimistic way, to be cheerful and helpful to who-so-ever comes your way, to understand the true worth of a life raising above the mere materialistic worldly pleasures and take joy in creating a joyous place to live in.

However if we just stop and look at the world and see, we realize that there is hardly any who is actually thinking that way and for that matter why do u need to think the other way.

To it goes a well thought line, “BE the CHANGE, you want to see”

Charity begins from home, start doing things yourself rather than depending on others.

Love all who come your way and stay away from negativity as far as you can.

People ask me at times, what’s the best way to avoid negativity??

How can one be, so indifferent and rogue at life?

Let’s realize one thing today for sure..

It’s a world of beings. And no being is exactly the same as the other. And all will act separately in some or the other way, which is why they are “UNIQUE”. And being unique, they cannot replicate another person exactly, however its always possible to learn from others as much as we want and as much as we can.

“Buddha till the time of his last day of life kept meeting his followers.

A close ally of him asked him, why did he had to meet anyone when he is so sick himself and is on the death bed.

To which he replied, there is so much to learn in this world and take from it that the whole life time of an individual will fall short of the capability to take it all.

So I want to take as much enlightenment and knowledge that I can, before I finally leave this body of flesh and bones and rise above mortality”

He could show many the true worth and meaning of LIFE, a true VISIONARY.

There are so many things in life to be learnt and so many things to be experienced that a person who truly values LIFE, would hardly worry any Worldly circumstances arising for material benefits or for self-interest. If one doesn’t understand the fact that we have come to this world without anything and would also leave this world without a thing. The only thing that we gain or take away is the KARMA which follows us till eternity.

For this whenever there is a worldly situation which instigates a feeling of anger in your mind, just take a pause and think for a while on these following lines :

  • Why am I getting angry (Is it worth??)

  • On whom am I getting angry (Are these my enemy coming to kill me??)

  • What’s the outcome of my anger (Is it going to host a creative event??)

  • And what will I gain out of it (Will I actually take an enlightenment out of it and create peace??)

It’s good to be angry and do things which might be in a rather constructive way, however the anger which hurts others and is for the ill of others is rather a subject of self-interest and that it would never make anything constructive ever. Rather would create more agony and melancholy.

One of the most vital senses is our sense of SPEECH.

A good word of mouth instigates EMOTION.

A caring line said helps establish a feeling of LOVE.

A concern asked, hints a sense of curiosity and CARE.

A shout out of anger creates DIVIDE.

Thus at times of LOVE, sing the songs of harmony. However at the time of anger it’s better to remain silent rather to speak out something which would create divide.

However, having said that, it’s never late to SORT THINGS OUT..

When all agree that speech is a very powerful medium of conveying one’s feeling, why not use it to bring things together and spread more LOVE??

No one becomes small by compromising or by making the first move, but it’s the gesture of how much more one is concerned about the other. A simple gesture of love and a loving smile to convey the same always has an immense power to sometimes turn just a bitter Coffee powder into a perfect blended Cappuccino.

Having said that let’s rewind to the top and understand the actual significance of the daily activity that we carry out after we wake up and learning when it needs to do that, “Gear Shift” to move on with positivity:

  • Shitting out the shit we need to,

(It just the sign or the indication of take it easy and let it go. Don’t hold the shit in your brain to make it clumsier. You know there is a lot more to worry about rather than being stuck in the petty issues of the world. Get a life and do something better to enhance the quality of your life and living on a broader aspect)

  • We brush our teeth ,

(The preparation starts with cleansing and washing out the plaque which might be due to every intake of stuff from outside which in real life can be compared to the bruxism while being angry on another. So keep it cool and wash out the bacteria which might foul your speech to others by cleansing yourself from within by the use of good cleanser or toothpaste, which in life can be some good literature or books to provide you better insight towards life and understand the true meaning of it)

  • Wash our face and then,

(It means to wash off the perception and realize after doing the previous two steps that we are mortal and humans for that matter. An individual made up of flesh and blood, no superior than any other being in the world, but the ideologies. Life is one and death is inevitable. So why not make the best out of life and spread the love as much as we can to make the World a better place to live in)

  • Get in to one’s proper dressings to confront this World.

(Which in real life is to wear that smile on your face to make you more of approachable for anyone to connect with you to share the happiness and joy of togetherness)

So with all that being said… Let us make the best out of the LIFE which we are ACTUALLY BORN for..


                       Believe in Love & Build your LIFE..

Abhishek Kumar Brahma

Exploring Creativity Through Life !! An Art Lover..

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