The 10 Must Do Things In Life,
Are not just based on the experiences , but are the facts which are undoubtedly undeniable, however are too likely to be overlooked in Life in the rush to sustain in the rat race of the world.
Are not just based on the experiences , but are the facts which are undoubtedly undeniable, however are too likely to be overlooked in Life in the rush to sustain in the rat race of the world.
This 3D spectacle speed sketch as the name suggests is a anamorphic representation of an actual spectacle. Its done here using a piece of sheet, HB pencils and colour pencils.
Drawing this 3D spectacle actually took me about 40 minutes, however it has been shown in a speed sketch form here to make it a quick representation of the illustration.
The precise list of materials used for the sketch are:
Materials required:
1- Pencil 2B,6B.
2- Marker pens.
3- White stencil.
4- Ruler and eraser.
5- Colour Pencils.
6- Paper Stumps.
I chose to draw this object as I consider it to be a very useful thing in our day to day use, because it is like a second eye and without it, it would be difficult for a faulty eye to see the glory the world has to offer it through the sense of vision.
Castes of the world are widely accepted method of classifying a society, followed by various regions and countries of the World.
It’s a method of social stratification which segregates a specific community of people from the other and again them from some other castes. Caste system is either endogamous, hereditary or any ranked social community. It is widely seen in India since the time people and civilization existed.
And it’s all together a new feeling to step into a whole new World called, ‘parenthood’.
Life Cycle is a very lengthy and complicated process!!
With the onset of dawn, may it be a he or she, everyone wakes up to a World of his /her responsibilities.
From the day we are born we are blessed with numerous loving people around us. Parents being the first among all, who want us to grow up confident and the best in this world, rise above all and shine like a star.